Membership Website Design Expert

Coderian is Membership Website Design and Development Expert.

We are good match

If you want full control of your website’s source code and data
If you want a website which is easy to upgrade and maintain
If you prefer simple & useful design over annoying graphics
If you are not looking for website manufacturing factory

We can help

If you are association, software and digital product seller, community or AMC service provider
If your website is not performing and requires remake, we are expert in this
If you want to create performing website
If you want to optimize Google Ads Campaign for your website
If you want to speed boost your website without breaking it

Introducing Membership Website That Performs

"We help you to grow your caterpillar concept to beautiful butterfly."

Simple and Useful Design

Our design is not about good objects or dimensions but it is about good business. It is not style or complex UI but simple and significant flow which help visitor to perform a function or take action.

Essential Technology

When it comes to technology we are neither evangelist nor minimalist, we are essentialist. We don’t overuse technology to avoid making your website heavy, slow, complex, and eventually difficult to manage. We only use tools and options which are essential and foolproof.

Accurate Financials

Fees, discounts, taxes, and charges calculations are the core of membership and subscription business websites. We ensure that these calculations are accurate and thoroughly tested. We also make sure that financials are displayed on invoices, reports and emails are correct.

Engaging Content

We believe that no design or technology can save a membership website if its content is not engaging. We recommend that you supply SEO-friendly and user-engaging content for the website’s static part and it is in the relevant format, could be text, images, voice, or video.

Main Components of Membership Website

"Membership business is all about managing members, processing payments, and restricting content."

Member Management

We build websites with varying membership products/levels offering fixed priced and subscription-based pricing models. Subscriptions-based models were daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. We have built the capability for access tracking, member groups, customized profile pages, and forum support.


We have programmed and customized calculations that support fixed as well as variable fees, late charges, item-wise, and invoice-wise discounts, inclusive and exclusive taxes.

Content Protection & CMS

We have set up the website’s CMS which restricts content access based on membership levels, member region. We have set up these restriction rules at the URL level, at page or post, and at content item-wise.

Event & Conference Maintenance

We have build support for single-day online and offline events for members and non-members. We have build capability for a multi-day conference offering different types of tickets and a range of meal and transportation options.

Payment Gateways

The majority of the websites we have developed takes online-only payments from PayPal, Credit Card, Stripe, Authorize.NET, AfterPay. Some of them also support manual payment in the form of Cheque and EFT over phone-call.

Email Solution

We have setup SMTP email solutions to send all the alerts and notifications to members on a triggered event basis. We have also set up a chron-job-based date and time-specific email communications.

Third-party Integrations

Common integrations we have done are for email marketing, accounting, contact management, learning management systems and task management systems.

Certifications and PDU Maintenance

For one of the professional association's websites, we have built the capability to assign points to events and content. Members will be credit with a point or PDU (professional development units). Once member's PDU balance reaches to certain count they will be awarded certificates. These certified members will have additional access to content and events.

Membership Businesses We Serve

"We help you to build tribe of raving fans for your business"


  1. Professional Association
  2. Alumni of Institutes
  3. Industry Association
  4. Management Association

Digital Product Seller

  1. SaaS Company
  2. Software Product Company
  3. Plugin/Extension Company
  4. E-learning Company
  5. Individual Digital Course Provider
  6. Members Only E-commerce
  7. Video and Pod-cast service

Community and NGO

  1. Common Interest Group
  2. NGO
  3. Non-profits 
  4. Private Social Community
  5. Churches
  6. Donation Collection Website

AMC Service Provider

  1. IT and Hardware Maintenance
  2. Office Admin Maintenance
  3. Lift and Other Infrastructure Maintenance
  4. Swimming Pool and Lawn Maintenance
  5. Cleaning and Hygiene Maintenance

Our Services for Membership Websites

"We always put ourselves in your customers shoes ."

Redesign Existing Website

Doesn’t your website impress visitors? Doesn’t your phone ring despite your marketing efforts? Do you have major business changes that you want to cover in the existing website? We can help to overhaul or tweak your website so that it provides your customer with the best experience.

Create New Website

Do you have the expertise and want to capitalize it by sharing with the right audience? Do you have digital products but are struggling to sell through marketplaces? Do you want to engage people for some noble cause? We can help you to take your content and product to the right audience and build raving tribes around it.

Optimize Google Ads Campaign

Are you struggling to get ROI on Google Ads spending? Do you want to quickly take your Membership business to people without waiting for SEO? We can set up a fine-tuned Google Ads campaign for your business which saves you money and targets the right audiences.

Speed Boost Your Slow Website

50% of website speed-related issues are from hosting. If you haven’t spoken to your hosting provider, please consult them before exploring other avenues. If you are sure that it is the website’s design or code causing the delay, we can speed boost your site without breaking any functionality.

Responsibilities For Membership Website Project

"We are two sides of the same COIN. Together WE CAN!!"

We are responsible for

  1. Creating design that impress visitors
  2. Programing for front-end & back-end
  3. Set up emails for alerts/notifications
  4. Payment gateway setup on sandboxes
  5. Extra third party integration
  6. Compatibility testing on common browser
  7. Compatibility testing on common devices
  8. Site transfer on live and account setup
  9. Post launch free support for agreed time
  10. Quality paid support after free period

You will be responsible for

  1. Provide customer demography
  2. Text, Images, Voice, Video content
  3. SMTP Email accounts
  4. Payment gateway accounts
  5. Third party software/tool licenses
  6. Hosting accounts for live site
  7. User acceptance testing
  8. Launch

We are responsible for

  1. Creating design that impress visitors
  2. Programing for front-end & back-end
  3. Set up emails for alerts/notifications
  4. Payment gateway setup on sandboxes
  5. Extra third party integration
  6. Compatibility testing on common browser
  7. Compatibility testing on common devices
  8. Site transfer on live and account setup
  9. Post launch free support for agreed time
  10. Quality paid support after free period

You will be responsible for

  1. Provide customer demography
  2. Text, Images, Voice, Video content
  3. SMTP Email accounts
  4. Payment gateway accounts
  5. Third party software/tool licenses
  6. Hosting accounts for live site
  7. User acceptance testing
  8. Launch

Process We Follow for Membership Website Projects

"We ensure that everyone is on the same page and putting their best foot forward!!"

It’s all begin with meeting

We will be happy to receive your inquiry through email or contact form or phone call on +91 265 225 111 (you’ll speak to a technical person who is experienced in the membership domain, we don’t have sales reps). We will listen to your idea and problem in detail. We will share the information that is handy for your kind of project. If we agree to embark journey together then you will request a proposal, not a formal RFP though.

We analyse and respond

We will analyze your request and submit a response to you within 2-3 days' time. We will arrange for a session to discuss any specific points mentioned in the RFP response.

You confirm an order

You accept our response and give us go-ahead to start the project.

We start & you track the project

We will start the project as per the agreed schedule and provide you with a project management tool and development site access. We will collaborate over the PM tool to ensure that we all are on the SAME PAGE.

We handover thoroughly tested website

We transfer fully functional sites from the development domain to a live server. You verify the site’s functionality and happy with the results.

You launch and celebrate

You plan for the grand launch of your website and we celebrate together.

What is The Timeline for Membership Website Projects?

“Time is more valuable than money and we will save yours lot.”

Project Type Time We Invest Things You Get
Redesign Home Page 1-2 Weeks Improved design either on PDF or Image
New Site/Full Redesign (Small) 3-4 Months Fully functional & responsive website
New Site/Full Redesign (Big) 1-2 Months Fully functional & responsive website
Optimize Google Ads Campaign 1 Week Optimized Google Ads running on the account which will be under your full control
Speed Boost Slow Site 1-2 Weeks The site which actually loads faster on visitors device, not just good speed score on speed testing tools
Project Type Time We Invest Things You Get
Redesign Home Page 1-2 Weeks Improved design either on PDF or Image
New Site/Full Redesign (Small) 3-4 Months Fully functional & responsive website
New Site/Full Redesign (Big) 1-2 Months Fully functional & responsive website
Optimize Google Ads Campaign 1 Weeks Optimized Google Ads running on account which will be under your full control
Speed Boost Slow Site 1-2 Weeks Site which actually loads faster on visitors device, not just good speed score on speed testing tools

How Much Membership Website Projects Cost?

“Our value is more expensive than cost.”

Project Type Money You Invest Value We Deliver
Redesign Home Page $1000+ (100% Advanced) It will nail positive first impression and make visitor forms favorable opinion
New Site/Full Redesign (Small) $6000 to $12500 (3 milestone payment)
New Site/Full Redesign (Big) $12501 to $25000 (4 milestone payment)
Optimize Google Ads Campaign $900+ (100% Advanced) Saving on dollars spend on Ads and improved conversion
Speed Boost Slow Site $1100+ (50% Advanced, 50% at Testing) Better visitor engagement and repeated visitors
Project Type Money You Invest Value We Deliver
Redesign Home Page $1000+ (100% Advanced) It will nail positive first impression and make visitor forms favourable opinion
New Site/Full Redesign (Small) $6000 to $12500 (3 milestone payment)
New Site/Full Redesign (Big) $12501 to $25000 (4 milestone payment)
Optimize Google Ads Campaign $900+ (100% Advanced) Saving on dollars spend on Ads and improved conversion
Speed Boost Slow Site $1100+ (50% Advanced, 50% at Testing) Better visitor engagement and repeated visitors